
2.0 很差

分类:爱情  美国  1946 

主演:宝莲·高黛 布吉斯·梅迪斯 Hurd Hatfield 





1946年上映,让·雷诺阿执导,由宝莲·高黛,布吉斯·梅迪斯,Hurd Hatfield等主演的女仆日记1946在美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,女仆日记1946手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《女仆日记1946》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

  Celestine, the chambermaid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man. But Mr Lanlaire is not a right choice: all the house is firmly controlled by Mme Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, ex-officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive, and does not share his mother's anti-republicans opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and also Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity ? Will sinister and inflexible Joseph let his views upon Celestine be ruined ? A quite disillusioned depiction of humanity.

奇奇影院(www.nanjingzhihai.com)为您提供的《女仆日记1946》 HD、BD、720p,1080p,1280p免费高清在线观看地址,以及相关的剧情简介、演员、导演、幕后花絮、剧照、海报等信息均由互联网上面收集整理而来,支持正版影片,请到爱奇艺,优酷,腾讯视频,芒果网,搜狐视频等网站观看正版视频!

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